
by Christina Trifanoff

My husband and I have attended Axiom for over four years now. We love our wonderful Axiom brothers and sisters. Still, we find at times that we experience feelings of disconnect from others. Ghandi said, “be the change you want to see you in the world.” This really speaks to me and so I do what I can to be Intentional about my relationship with others..

I am reminded that there are quite a few people at our church that are artists and artists tend to be introverted. I am not introverted! If you know me you know I’m extroverted and a people person. I enjoy talking with others and doing life together.

When I feel disconnected I look at myself and ask what could I do differently. I ask if I’m in true self (spirit self) or in the false self (body) if I am in the spirit I will be prompted to outreach to others or wait as the Holy Spirit guides. If I am in the body or false self I can become negative and feel rejected and alone.

I have a vision of the kingdom of God as this beautifully flowing river with an invitation for all to jump in the river. Sometimes I feel like I’m on the banks and not able to jump in due to my false self characteristics. Perhaps I’m feeling down or depressed. Sometimes I am consumed with worry, fear, sadness or feelings of rejection. The truth is that none of us are rejected but fully accepted in both our divine true self as well as our weaker false self (body).

Then, at other times I feel I am in the river beckoning others to join. I believe this is when I am in the true self and seeking unity in the body. This, as Paul would call is the spiritual self. We are seeking union with others and are all part of the same union. This is what we are made for in the Kingdom of God. For me the description of this beautiful flowing river works. If you are ever feeling disconnected, reach out to others and share your feelings. Odds are that you are not alone in your feelings and at that very moment someone else needs that connection as well.