12 Days of Christmas - Day 12 (Examen by Gavin Linderman)

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas

A Christmastide Examen

  1. Begin with a moment of silence and stillness. In this moment take a few deep slow breaths, taking in the light of Christ, the gift of God and the presence of the Holy Spirit. Exhale your battles, your worry, your burdens and your sins you can always come back to them later. When you sense you are ready to reflect with God proceed.

  2. Consider these first days of 2021 as if you were a newborn child. As you take on infant eyes, what do you see in the light this year so far? Has something bright been spoken, is there anything that has surprised you with joy? What is the light revealing to you? How does the light of Christ make you feel? Breath Deep, Exhale Slowly.

  3. God has given you the gift of Jesus in your life. Take a moment to reflect on Gods gift to you. Imagine receiving Him and acknowledge your feelings about this Gift from God. Do you sense that you have the freedom to receive all of Him? How have you received or experienced the gift of God today? How have you been a gift to others this day? Breath Deep, Exhale Slowly.

  4. You are in the presence of Gods Spirit. How does the Spirit of God see and experience you in this moment? How do you see and experience the Holy Spirit right now? What hope does the Spirit of God offer you in this moment? How might you share that same hope with others this year? Breath Deep, Exhale Slowly.

  5. Give thanks to God. Ask God to bless those in your life this year and ask God to be with you this day and everyday as you seek to experience Jesus in 2021.