by Mandy Colaw
I don’t know what to say about peace.
I don’t feel like I have the words. I wish I did.
I feel the incredible responsibility and privilege of talking with my Church - my community about peace… but I don’t know how.
How do we talk about peace, at a time when peace feels so far away?
When neighbors can’t make peace in a conversation about everyone’s health and wellbeing and individual autonomy.
What peace is there in lives lost and liberties taken?
When sisters tug against one another, pulling left and right, snapping apart the love that binds them.
When the weary voices of the oppressed are ignored and spoken over.
Where is peace on earth and good will to all?
Does peace mean a laying down of beliefs and convictions to alleviate the building tension? Does it mean turning a blind eye to injustices and oppression
adopting a sickly-sweet ignorance
An illusionary peace achieved only in my privilege.
It feels so much easier to be at peace with the world as a young blonde white woman.
But how can we invite everyone to the table when we each have a dagger hidden up our sleeve?
It feels hard for me to talk about peace.
The conversation feels too shallow and the peace too cheep.
Peace feels like something that needs to be fought for and won.
Not in the way of the crusaders but in the way of Jesus.
A battle that does not cost the enemies of peace their lives, but it cost me my own.
Jesus did not win the world by winning the argument.
Enlist me. I will fight along side you Jesus. Wage war for my soul, conquer the hatred I hold for the “them,”
the judgement, the entitlement.
Remove my erected barricades of “different, selfish, wrong.” Lay waste to it all.
“We need a medic here!”
Jesus my healer with holes in his hands.
Reveal to me your battle plan, your master strategies.
You will win my heart and theirs.
My Marching orders… love… and forgive.
My knees crack together as I shake in my boots. I am afraid, I am discouraged. The animosity seems so great against my advent weapons, love, joy, peace, and hope. Hope?
But I am not alone. Surrounded by the souls you have won to your peace.
On my right stands a man who was nailed to a cross by your side. He tells me you forgave him.
On my left a tax collector who walked with you. He says no power on earth can withstand you.
A war waged with fanatical love. No quarter of soul given
On earth, as it is in heaven.
Look up. There in the sky.
“Take heart” the star says. “The victor is come.”
“Finally, brothers, rejoice. Aim for restoration, comfort one another, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you.” - 2 Corinthians 13:11
“For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility.” - Ephesians 2:14